Club Members

The North Durban Lions Club is fortunate to have many dedicated members:

Lion Current District 410E or MD410 Positions Previous Club Positions Previous District 410C, 410E or MD410 Positions
Neil Aubert
Belinda Blakeman
  • Zone Chair
  • President (Empangeni Lions Club)
  • Secretary (Empangeni Lions Club)
Kay Erskine
  • President
Avril Hobbs
  • Second Vice District Governor
  • Multiple District GST Coordinator
  • District GLT Coordinator
  • President
  • Secretary
  • District GST Coordinator
  • DC New Voices
  • 2021 MD Convention Secretary
  • DC Health
Grant Hobbs
  • Fundraising Coordinator
Trevor Hobbs
  • President
  • Membership Chair
  • Region Chair
  • Second Vice District Governor
  • DC Centennial Projects
  • DC Marketing
  • District Newsletter Compiler
  • Zone Chair
  • DC Constitution, Resolutions and By-laws
  • MDC Marketing
  • DC Peace Poster
  • Mentor Lion
  • Guiding Lion (East Coast Lions)
  • 2021 MD Convention Convenor
Shirley Johnston
Phil Meyer
  • Vice President
  • Membership Chair
Bill Pfaff
Ivanka Reynolds
Elaine Turton
Kobus van Aarde
Kim van Wyk
  • Multiple District Christmas Cake Chair
  • District Christmas Cake Chair
  • District IT Chair
  • Multiple District IT Chair
  • Multiple District Directory Compiler
  • President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • District Governor
  • District Treasurer
  • MDC Finance Committee
  • District IT Chair
  • Multiple District IT Chair
  • DC Finance Committee
  • First Vice District Governor
  • Second Vice District Governor
  • Multiple District Directory Compiler
  • DC Food Security
  • Council Secretary
  • Zone Chair
  • MDC Health
  • DC Constitutions and Resolutions
  • 2021 MD Convention Registration Secretary
Vicki van Wyk
  • President
  • Secretary
  • Region Chair
  • Zone Chair
  • District Secretary
  • DC Diabetes and Blood Drives
  • MDC Standing Committee on Conventions
  • DC Marketing
Melody Verbaan